Saturday 1 October 2011

Kimono Dresses In Western Fashion

Kimono Dresses In Western Fashion
Kimonos are made from traditional natural fabrics, such as fine silks, soft satins, and thick crepe. The fabric is often stitched throughout in bright and contrasting-coloured thread. The patterns can be very intricate and may depict a story or showcase various themes. Common designs include bamboo, plum trees, and dragons.
Designers in Europe and the Americas have recognized the beauty of the traditional Japanese dress and are integrating its design elements into their Western fashion collections. For example, wrap-front dresses with elongated hemlines and wide sleeves borrow from the pattern of kimonos. They combine the familiarity of modern Western dress wear with the exoticism of Eastern fashion. Asian-inspired threaded, painted, and printed designs in complimentary colours bring a bit of foreign loveliness to dresses cut in traditionally European styles.
Fashions with an Asian influence are not limited to dresses. The very classic look of the kimono, including the fabrics used, can be seen on many items that accessorize outfits. Fashionable slippers, handbags, and scarves are being designed with the look of the kimono in mind. Bright red silks overlaid with mysterious green and yellow dragons have found their way into the Western closet, with fabulous results. The rich, striking, and elegant look of kimonos have motivated stylists to offer a beautiful array of choices to women in all parts of the world, including the West. From chic dresses designed with the Japanese dress in mind, to handbags using kimono-type material, these inspired fashions are a beautiful addition to any woman's wardrobe.

1 comment:

LVCA said...

Hi there, do you know some brand that is working such interesting way? Coz I want a bride dress with that concept for my lady when we get married. Pease answer asap!!!
Have a great day cheers

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