Tuesday 25 October 2011

Tarot in a Fashion

Tarot in a Fashion

The 1980's arrived, with its geometric jackets, big hair and shoulder pads. I embraced these fashions with a vengeance and loved every minute of it. 'Dynasty' was my TV programme of choice and I followed the shooting of JR Ewing with bated breath. It was even mentioned on the BBC nine o'clock news as a lead item. Joan Collins was my fashion idol along with 'Pamela Ewing'. I was never more than five paces away from a can of hairspray and a fair bit of 'bling'. I wore high heels all the time, the idea of a flat shoe and comfort didn't enter into my head. Probably couldn't have got an idea past the hair spray, I used so much that when it rained the water ran off my hair!

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